Video Marketing Benefits

Video marketing has numerous benefits to marketers trying to promote
their online businesses.

1) Video marketing allows you to highlight your products and services
in both an informative and entertaining way.
2) Video response rates are higher than articles and blogs. Visitors are
more likely to sit through a two-minute long video than to read a
long blog post.
3) Videos allow you to better illustrate the concepts you’re trying to
get across. Some niches are more difficult to convey in print, and
those will benefit the most from video, because you will be able to
show, rather than tell someone something. If you’re in the business
of “how to’s” and other instructional videos, this is especially true.
4) Video marketing allows you to avoid Google’s duplicate content
penalty. While there is some debate on whether this penalty
actually exists, video content is not subject to the same rules as
articles and blog posts. This means you can take all the articles you
use in your article marketing campaign and turn them into videos
without penalty.
5) Videos make it easier for you to create new and fresh content
regularly. If you are constantly trying to come up with something
new to say in articles, this can be frustrating. To keep your website
ranking high, you need to keep the fresh content rolling in, and
videos allow you to do this without much effort on your part.
6) Videos allow you to capture your audience’s attention in a different
way. If the visitors are used to reading print and seeing static
images, using an audio and video approach will excite them because
it is new and different from what they are used to. This alone may
be the deciding factor in what causes someone to become a paying
7) Videos rank high with search engines. Most keyword phrases you
search now feature at least one or two YouTube™ videos on the first
page of results. As such, you should be creating a few videos to
target each one of the keywords you’re going after in your niche.
8) Creating a video doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor. While
you can go all out and stage a major production, it’s not necessary.
You can do them for free or cheap. It’s pretty safe to say the
majority of the people out there reading this report will not have
the budget to stage their own major production, but I do have some
information later in this book that will help you create awesome
9) Video sharing websites such as YouTube allow users to share their
favorite videos on their social media websites, such as Facebook
and Twitter™. This is how your videos go “viral.” If someone posts a
video of their kitten doing something cute, sends it to a couple of
friends and later finds out the video has over a million views within
a week or two, then their video is now considered viral. Though it
may sound like it’s just too good to be true, the reality is, it
happens all the time with videos!
10) Basically, when you create videos, other people will do the
marketing for you when they recommend the video to friends, loved
ones, and co-workers. As their recommendations reach out to others
in their network who they think may enjoy the video, the marketing
11) Video marketing is on the rise. It’s not quite the same golden
nugget it used to be, so competition is getting close to the same
brutality you find with print format. But, there are still plenty of
marketers out there who don’t take advantage of this tactic for
whatever reason, so there’s no reason to avoid jumping on the
bandwagon. Videos will allow you to gain a lot of traffic with a
decent conversation rate, without a lot of elbow grease.
12) Video websites such as YouTube seem to have a more sizable
“community.” You will see plenty of videos with more than a
thousand comments, and hundreds of responses to those comments.
The people who post the videos are out there talking with one
another and forming active relationships. You don’t typically see
this on the article marketing outlets.
13) Studies indicate video marketing increases traffic, sales, and optins.
The majority of marketers who put a real effort into video
marketing are happy with their return on investment (ROI.)
Video marketing allows you to show another side of your business and
yourself, that you will never be able to showcase with text on a screen.
The addition of music and graphics can make things more exciting, which
means your visitors will be more likely to really enjoy your content.
Visitors who really enjoy the content you are sharing are much more
likely to purchase whatever it is you’re selling.