What Makes Your Video “Great?”

Yes, people really enjoy watching videos online, but that doesn’t mean all
you have to do is slap up anything you can come up with and you will see
results. If the video you make is crappy and boring, people will not watch
it. At the same time though, you don’t have to be some award winning
videographer producing a video capable of winning an Oscar before you
will be able to captivate your audience. To help you in creating the most
effective video, I’m going to share the most common features that most
viral videos share.
1) Focus on the target audience and their demographics. Who will be
watching the video? Young people? Old people? Single men? Married
women? Mothers? The target audience of your video will determine
the “voice” of the video, along with its tone and message. All of
this, in order to be successful and have a shot at becoming viral,
needs to appeal to whoever the audience is.
2) A good video is not only well made, it is interesting as well. If I had
a dime for all the videos I’ve seen full of long pauses, narrations full
of “uhs” and “ums” and blank screens where nothing is going on, I’d
be rich, and I mean really rich. No matter what niche you’re serving
or topic you’re addressing, you need to make sure your videos are
interesting and fun to watch. You can do this in a number of ways:
adding music in the background, or including funny graphics
3) A good video provides something of value. It can be a short 30-
second tip that shows the best way to scoop up cat liter without
making a mess, or it could a 10 minute guide that shows how to
choose the best litter for your cat. Regardless of the path you take,
it needs to be valuable to the person who is watching it. You won’t
get very far with a video that says, “Hey! Check out my website!”
because this will not increase your traffic or improve your
conversion rates. Videos like this will never go viral!
4) Videos should give the viewer a small taste of what they are looking
for, while leaving them yearning for more. When they want more,
they are more likely to visit your website for more information, or
to purchase the product or service you are offering. This is the same
principle as article marketing. You never want to give away all your
information, because if you do, the user doesn’t have any
motivation to visit your website, which is where you need them to
5) As a rule, be generous with the information you provide, but leave
the most important and highly sought information on your website,
so people will be motivated to visit and get it from you. After they
have watched the video, you want them to feel like the most
appropriate next step is for them to click the link to your website.
6) The more professional your videos look, the more credibility and
trust you and your product or service will gain from people. Your
reputation will naturally increase, and people will be more inclined
to purchase whatever it is you have to offer